Global Alliance
FON Global Alliance supports domestic and cross-border transactions through its network of 25 affiliated companies located throughout the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and Asia/Pacific. Member firms seamlessly deliver independent advisory services from valuations for financial and tax reporting/compliance matters to investment banking services (mergers & acquisitions, divestitures, restructuring, capital markets) to real estate insights & advisory.
FON Global Alliance member firms are led by highly-regarded professionals with deep expertise in their respective practice areas, hold leadership positions with the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), American Society of Appraisers (ASA), and the International Institute of Business Valuers (iiBV), and are active members of local valuation organizations. Members speak and write frequently on valuation-related topics, promoting greater transparency and consistency in valuations.
FON Global Alliance significantly strengthens the ability of FON to offer its expertise to the international community and increase the efficiency and timeliness of cross-border transactions.

Americas member firms have valued long term acute care hospitals throughout the U.S., toll-road concession agreements in Latin America, and casinos and gaming company assets for financial reporting purposes; prepared valuations for gift and estate planning purposes, tax reorganizations, tax appeals, and strategic advisory purposes; assisted with the impairment testing of mining assets in Canada; and supported commercial real estate transactions throughout the Americas.

Our European teams have performed feasibility and valuation studies of sports arenas and businesses; valuations of oil terminals for European multinational companies; and valuations of entertainment industry firms in cross-border acquisitions for financial reporting purposes.

Our Asia/Pacific teams is experienced in financial reporting and tax compliance valuations; have prepared valuations of toll-roads, power plants and other major infrastructure projects throughout the region; supported domestic and international commercial real estate transactions; and assisted with the implementation of hedging strategies involving multiple countries across the northern hemisphere.
Contact the FON Global Alliance Team